Dynamic Dynamite Dino's

Dynamic Dynamite Dino's
Taking Gigantic Leaps in Learning!

Room 10 Newsletters

­Week 2
Monday 19 October 2015
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Craig Smith Show:The author of Wonk y Donkey will be sharing his new book and giving us a great show on Tuesday morning. The cost from this will come out of the $20.00 activity fee for his term.
Rachel Kelly: Wednesday Mrs Kelly will be teaching for my senior release time and on Friday Mrs Evan will be taking Room 10 due to personal reasons.
Team Star: This week we will be collaborating for phonics, wriing and reading with assessments being done for maths so that we can collaborate in maths next week. We are learning about half and quarters so whenever it arises at home please consolidate the children’s learning.
Reading Coaches: Some children have a Y4 reading coach this term who will be working with them to give them reading mileage. These five, Room 20 children are amazing and are working so well with their pupils.
Grandparents Day: Please return your form if your child’s grandparent or yourself are coming next Thursday. If you have misplaced your notice just tell me the numbers of adults attending.
Looking forward to another awesome spring week.
Yours sincerely
June Thompson-Sutherland

Room 10, Term 4 Newsletter 2015

Welcome back!

I hope you have had a wonderful break. I did have a good ‘break’ in that I broke my hand on the first Monday of the holidays while climbing Mt Richardson so I am typing this letter very slowly (you don’t have to read it slowly thou!!) I am in plaster for another four weeks but luckily it was my left hand as I am right handed.

The pod is up outside Room 8 where Miss Brooke Young, our trainee that we had in Term 2, will start her teaching career with the new entrant children. She will be part of Team Star and will be working with children in room 10. We also have  a new classmate Senuli Wijayasena.  We welcome her to our school.

Term overview:
The Junior team have been very busy planning an exciting term.
Our inquiry this term is ‘I like to move it, move it’. This will focus on how we can use our bodies in a variety of ways for a purpose that is fun and safe.
Here are some of the activities that we have planned. Please mark in your diary.

Week 1:          Monday 12 October: Powhiri to welcome all new staff and                                children.
Week 2:          Tuesday 20 October: Craig Smith author of the Wonky Donkey                                    show.
Week 3:          Thursday 29 October: Grandparents Day and folk dancing                                 demonstration. (8.45 – 11.30)
Week 6:          Thursday 19 November: Y0/1 Athletics Day. (10.00 – 12.30)
Week 7:          Friday 27 November: Beach Education at Waimari Beach. (All day)
Week 9:          Monday 7 December: Visiting the Christmas Grotto and singing in                   the Cathedral. (All day event)
                        Thursday 10 December: Y0/1 End of Year Assembly. (9.30am)
Week 10:        Tuesday 15 December: School finishes 12.30 pm.

Team Star Programme:
We will be collaboratively teaching again this term with the four teachers for literacy and numeracy from 9.00 – 12.30. In the afternoons we will be completing our oral language programme and handwriting. From 2.15pm onwards we will be working with the Y0/1 team on athletics, folk dancing, music with Mrs Tasker and later in the term swimming.

Rachel Kelly
Wonderful Mrs Kelly will be my release teacher again this term on a Wednesday.

STaR : St Albans school online reporting system
Please review your child’s mid year goals from their report in term 2 and see what fantastic gains they have all made in term 3. At the end of this term your child will get another online report with more detail on their progress. Please if you have not got a log in number let me know.

Sun hats/Clothing/Drink bottles
This term all children must have a named sun hat, which they leave at school on their hook. Please also name sweatshirts and all other clothing as this will be a swimming term (usually starts after show weekend).  Named drink bottles full of only water are needed daily during the school day.

Awesome Jenny, a grandparent of a child in the school, has again offered to issue and return library books from the mobile collection. This will be on a Thursday afternoon so please make sure that your child’s book is in their reading folder.

The weekly newsletter will be emailed to everyone on the Sunday night before school starts on the Monday also one is uploaded onto our classroom blog. A hard copy of this will be put on the parent notice board outside Room 10. Photos from our adventures are posted on our blog. If you want to contact me outside school hours just email me. There will be separate notices re the activities planned and an activity fee/permission slip notice for the children to attend these events, coming later in the term.

Parent help
Please if you want to pop in for half an hour or longer any time of the day, Team Star would love you to join us. Whether it is reading stories to the children at reading time, helping them play maths games or getting them to talk about their stories we would welcome you with open arms. We also would love some support on a Monday and Thursday afternoon at 2.15 for athletics practice eg long jump, high jump, or sprint marshals.

Thank you all so much for all your wonderful support last term with the showcase and with helping your child with their learning.  It is an absolute privilege to teach these fantastic children and thank you all for being so amazingly supportive towards the children and myself.
Let the term begin! Yippee!

June Thompson-Sutherland

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